Saturday, February 1, 2020

Get ready for the Thermonuclear War ... and more....

The question is not whether there will be a 'global' thermonuclear war or not, the question is when and how to escape it...

Anyone who travels a bit around the world and who has a bit of observation and analysis skill understands obviously how such a global conflict is purely and simply inevitable.

Our world economy is simply too badly developed, like a "Frankenstein" monster where everybody tries to get profit from the other and get margin doing almost nothing. The same who wanted to break all frontiers and borders everywhere on the planet are the same who are now fighting frantically to close all doors between countries. What they loved yesterday they hate it now and vice-versa.

It is extremely dangerous to rely on a country like China to host all the factories and production of the planet, especially all our microelectronic. Recent events show how a few hundreds of deaths due to some wild fish sold in an obscure shop are enough to break that wonderful country who was - just 20 years ago- totally underdeveloped and who became artificially the second world power and the first one in terms of greed and submission.

The same situation occurs in many other countries that have become purely 'virtual', without any real economy and dying infrastructure.

On the other hand, techno-science is progressing now very fast. Soon we will be able to 'print' houses, weapons, trucks, to master matter as never before. And for what? Probably to start thinking about how to live in a very hostile environment... Where there is fire everywhere, viruses, radiations and all sorts of such things, even no air or oxygen.

Why not just climate? Let us add political 'authoritarianism' rising everywhere, border closing, a global economic and social collapse, etc... and on the top of that a global thermonuclear conflict.

In such a situation, the quest for a new planet won't even be a science-fiction dream... it will become a question of survival if we even add the threat of a nearby extra-terrestrial alien invasion against which we would have but zero chance of winning.

I do believe we will not face one of these threats but ALL of them, at the same time:

  • Global economic collapse
  • Global epidemic situation
  • Global social collapse
  • Rise of authoritarianism everywhere and collapses of state powers
  • Total Climatic deregulation and planet 'reboot'
  • Conflict / war zones everywhere
  • Chemical, biological weapons used with large side effects 
  • A global thermonuclear war
  • A threat from outer space (meteorite or invasion)

All these events would 'test' us to check if we have the survival skills needed to make it. 
In such a context, yes techno-science may be the only way to survive.

The few humans who would have managed to survive all this would have become an evolved species. The humans, without borders and no country, united by the feeling to be humans - again -  by looking once again into the precipice of inhumanity.

Isaac Newton computed (from religious documents but maybe also from scientific data) that the end of our world would occur in 2060. My only thought is how optimistic that looks like!

2060... that's the deadline we have to build our spacecrafts, to colonize other planets and start our quest because we may have to abandon ... Earth.

20 years ago, what I am describing looked like the average science-fiction script... now it's becoming closer and closer to our near future. Hence, choosing techno-science doesn't seem  anymore like an option.

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - Aries I-B on lauchpad

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